Resume Development and CV writing
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Here's how to make a resume that will get you noticed:
Before you write the first word of your resume, determine the position and industry you want to target. Then make an outline of your presentation and fill in the details of your background. Make sure you keep the focus on your target.
Avoid the functional resume format. Too many negatives associated with it
The general rule for page length is 1-page for typical entry level college students and 2 pages for everyone else. There can be exceptions to this but the longer the resume, the less likely it will be read. So make sure your document is concise.
Don't include a picture of yourself unless you're in an industry that requires a photograph (e.g., TV, theater, film).
Don't include personal information (marital status, children, date of birth, ethnicity) on a US style resume. Note that this information is generally acceptable when you make an international resume/CV.